Wednesday, February 11, 2009


HERE HE GOES AGAIN, Looks like the Progressive Libertarian "Rocky" is still doing his HATE MONGERING of George Bush and Dick Cheney. He REALLY THOUGHT that SOMETHING was going to HAPPEN - FOR SURE - at the VERY LAST MOMENT - a COUP by GEORGE W!!!
I could CONDENSE his extensive diatribe as "HOGWASH", Rocky.
First thing that got my JUICES FLOWING was the INTRO to Rocky's article on the WIMVIEW site. That the REPUBLICANS that are NOW in DC would probably be WANTING OBAMA, to "STEP TO THE REAR OF THE BUS". NOW that he can NOT pick on President Bush, he NOW decides to go after the REPUBLICANS in DC. Man, do you HAVE A PROBLEM Rocky!!IS your HATERED that bad???
YEP, OBAMA is off to a GREAT START.Besides this new Secty. of the Treasury NOT having the DECENCY of stepping down for his gross TAX violations which any Republican would have had to within HOURS. Atleast Daschle did the HONORABLE thing, the GOV in NM and the lady!!WAY TO GO OBAMA. But, we Christians are PRAYING for you that the Holy Spirit will instill in you to do THE RIGHT THING for OUR NATION!! Would love to see that MIND of SOCIALIST - MARXIST MUSH completely changed 180 degrees.
Hey, Rocky one more thing for the record. You must be part of Ron Paul's "CAMPAIGN FOR LIBERTY" run by Craig Young??? WE do NOT need your STINKING THINKING in the Republican Party, especially when the County Chair. goes to St. Paul and does NOT even attend the Republican Convention but JOINS the 10,000 Ron Paul IDIOTS!!
JUST SOME THOUGHTS, I will have to put this on my BLOG:
Chuck Peterson, Wimberley


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, I am honored that you seem to have been appointed by God to be the “nemesis” to my blog articles – since you have done it for a second time now. As a result, I would like to make a couple of suggestions to you. First, Chuck, if you are going to use my tomes to let everyone in on your anti-jazz worldview, your written thoughts should be aligned with a style of prose that makes use of continuity and logic. For instance, my quip about the Cheney coup d’etat was actually derived from a writing method called “satire”, meaning “to make fun of stereotypes and/or popular myths or conceptions.” On the other hand, since you took me seriously on that "satire", it may have been my fault. Next time I will make more of an effort to write with a complete lack of relevant irony.

Additionally, I wish to clarify another one of your perceptions. I take issue with your comment that I “hate” Republicans. The truth is: I hate hypocrisy, not Republicans. But since Republicans - at least the ones at the Federal level who have trashed our country for the last eight years - are hypocrites, I can see how you would make the assumption that I “hate Republicans”.

Also, Chuck, you should know I really do respect Republicans. But when I say Republican, I mean “conservative”. And by conservative, Chuck, I refer to the “true conservative” - the old style Republican that was a fiscal conservative all the time (not just when it was opportunistic) and respected the US Constitution and didn't want it replaced with the Ten Commandments. Remember, continuity and logic are important political writing skills.

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must agree with Mr. Odell that Rocky Boschert's post is a hoot. I think his "progressive libertarian" view is "seriously funny." This article does a fine job of spreading a general public disgust with the current political climate pretty evenly over both parties.

On the other hand, I strongly take exception to Mr. Peterson's mean spirited criticism of the Campaign For Liberty. The mission of the Campaign for Liberty "is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets and noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity." I would suggest your readers simply visit the website for the Campaign for Liberty to see if the values and goals of this organization really constitute "STINKING THINKING" as Mr. Peterson suggests.

10:36 AM  

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