Wednesday, February 11, 2009


HERE HE GOES AGAIN, Looks like the Progressive Libertarian "Rocky" is still doing his HATE MONGERING of George Bush and Dick Cheney. He REALLY THOUGHT that SOMETHING was going to HAPPEN - FOR SURE - at the VERY LAST MOMENT - a COUP by GEORGE W!!!
I could CONDENSE his extensive diatribe as "HOGWASH", Rocky.
First thing that got my JUICES FLOWING was the INTRO to Rocky's article on the WIMVIEW site. That the REPUBLICANS that are NOW in DC would probably be WANTING OBAMA, to "STEP TO THE REAR OF THE BUS". NOW that he can NOT pick on President Bush, he NOW decides to go after the REPUBLICANS in DC. Man, do you HAVE A PROBLEM Rocky!!IS your HATERED that bad???
YEP, OBAMA is off to a GREAT START.Besides this new Secty. of the Treasury NOT having the DECENCY of stepping down for his gross TAX violations which any Republican would have had to within HOURS. Atleast Daschle did the HONORABLE thing, the GOV in NM and the lady!!WAY TO GO OBAMA. But, we Christians are PRAYING for you that the Holy Spirit will instill in you to do THE RIGHT THING for OUR NATION!! Would love to see that MIND of SOCIALIST - MARXIST MUSH completely changed 180 degrees.
Hey, Rocky one more thing for the record. You must be part of Ron Paul's "CAMPAIGN FOR LIBERTY" run by Craig Young??? WE do NOT need your STINKING THINKING in the Republican Party, especially when the County Chair. goes to St. Paul and does NOT even attend the Republican Convention but JOINS the 10,000 Ron Paul IDIOTS!!
JUST SOME THOUGHTS, I will have to put this on my BLOG:
Chuck Peterson, Wimberley